Asset 2@2x-8




In 2019, as part of continuous efforts to support child protection in emergencies, UNICEF realised it was important to improve and maintain systems designed to assist children in the camp to learn about their rights through play. The transient nature of their living conditions requires a flexible solution that adapts to their unique needs and circumstances. Harnessing technology to solve problems is an asset that organisations have even in the most difficult environments. UNICEF hired Evolve to implement a solution to bridge the gaps for children in Mahama refugee camps to help them learn about their rights through play without relying on internet connectivity.


To tackle these challenges effectively, UNICEF collaborated with EVOLVE, a technology company specializing in implementing digital solutions, to develop innovative software applications tailored to the needs of refugees.

The partnership aimed to create two distinct tablet-based applications that would not only facilitate learning but also incorporate elements of play, crucial for the social development of children and youth in these situations. Additionally, Evolve developed an analytics dashboard showcasing statistics on the kids usage of the tablet apps once they are synchronised online.

Moreover, EVOLVE conducted comprehensive training sessions for 30 facilitators, equipping them with the necessary skills to utilize these applications effectively within the refugee community and provided a guide written in English, Kinyarwanda, and Kirundi to help any user to know how to use these developed applications.


The developed applications greatly improved the learning experiences of refugee children and youth, demonstrating the success of the collaborative efforts. Children in the refugee community were able to access age- and skill-appropriate educational content by using the installed applications on tablets. The applications provided children with interactive play opportunities that helped them develop basic skills on their rights and beyond. Furthermore, the use of technology helped UNICEF and its partners to know what kids were going through in the camp and were able to provide tailored services.

As EVOLVE, we are grateful for the opportunity to contribute to this impactful project, which witnesses the positive outcomes it has made on the lives of these children and youth at Mahama refugee camp.